
What’s your motivation?

GraduationOne of my greatest accomplishments was graduating from nursing school.


Each semester consisted of 16 credits, give or take.  16 credits isn’t bad, you say?  These were ‘nursing’ credits.  In addition to classes, there were labs, clinicals, and post clinical meetings. These added about 12 to 20 hours (sometimes more) a week on top of classroom time.  THEN add on studying, projects, nursing care plans, papers, and assignments.  Don’t get me wrong, I definitely still found time to play, but nursing school was a challenge.


When I was lacking motivation or struggling with school, I reflected on why I was doing nursing in the first place. I enjoy learning about the human body, its functions, and disease processes.  I also ultimately wanted to make a difficult, scary, and uncertain situation for someone a little bit better.  Remembering my motivation helped me push through the hard times.


I do the same when making healthy choices.  When I’m near death during one of my workouts, I dig deep and remember my motivation and why I’m choosing to live healthy.


JSMB ReceptionMy father passed away in 2011 when I was pregnant with my first child.  He had suffered with Parkinson’s disease for 17 years and passed away suddenly one morning.  Ever since I was 12, I saw my father struggle with health.


That’s my motivation.  Longevity.  I want to have a long, healthy, productive, quality life for myself, husband, children, and future grandchildren.  If you’re going to successfully change into a healthy lifestyle, you need to figure out what’s your motivation for doing so.



Do you want to wear a swimming suit without being self-conscious, run a marathon, walk upstairs without being winded or knees aching, or watch every grandchild walk down the aisle?  Let me hear it! What’s your motivation?!?!


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  1. I love this post. It is so well written and establishes a clear admirable goal to lead a healthy life. I can relate in my own small way of having to deal with a sick father and how difficult it can be. I admire your decision greatly to live your life in a way that will benefit your children and your children’s children.

    1. Thank you, Jonathan. I know you can definitely relate. I hope to prevent the same type of loss for my children. I want to be 90 and still keeping up with my grandchildren! Here’s to longevity!

  2. I had an extended family member die from the same disease, a few years ago. So my reasons for a healthy lifestyle are similar! Thanks for sharing, it was so very motivational and inspiring!

    1. I’m sorry to hear of your loss, Lindsay. Thank you for sharing your comment. Please keep coming back and reading more.

  3. A little over a year ago I was at the healthiest I have ever been. I was running 25-30 miles a week and eating healthy. And my body showed it while I still had some fight I was mostly mostly and extremely lean. Then one day I was out doing a 9 mile run in preparation for an upcoming half marathon when I was struck by a drunk driver and left for dead. Obviously, just making it through the accident is a miracle. But in the last year as I’ve had multiple surgeries and inability to exercise I have turned to junk food to help ease the pain. Because of that I have lost all the muscle I once had and all the great eating habits along with it.

    After my most recent surgery I’m off any type of running or hard impact activity for 4-6 weeks. And without the motivation exercise gives me to eat healthy I’ve struggled to get back to the awesome body I had a year ago. But, that being said, my motivation is to get back to where I was. To not let this accident and the surgeries put me down.

    I just started following your blog and found you through the Utah Bloggers Facebook page. Looking forward to getting to know you better!


    1. Kari, you’re absolutely amazing and motivational! Thank you for sharing your experience. I can ONLY imagine the trials and challenges that have come to you this past year. Bless you for everything you’ve been through. I completely have faith that you’ll achieve your goals because of your amazing attitude. Thank you for sharing your motivation!

    1. Thanks, Justin! I’m passionate about healthy living and even though I’m not in love with my first video, it’s a start of many more! Thank you again for sharing.

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